Cyalume-9-27049 Industrial Grade SnapLight Flare vaihtoehtoiset kemialliset valotikkuja kaksijalkaisella jalustalla – syttymätön, vedenpitävä valotikku, antaa 2 tuntia kirkasta valoa – vihreä, 10” pitkä (10 kappaleen pakkaus)




Cyalume Snap Light -vaihtoehtoinen kemiallinen valotikku on soihdutusvaihtoehto, jota et edes tiennyt tarvitsevasi! Tämä kestävä, vedenpitävä merkinantolaite on turvallisempi ja luotettavampi kuin tyypilliset pyrotekniset soihdut syttymättömän, lämpöä kehittämättömän kemiansa ansiosta. Lisäksi nämä kemialliset valotangot tarjoavat voimakasta, kirkkaan punaista valoa jopa 2 tunnin ajan riippumatta kunnosta tai ympäristöstä. Ne ovat täydellinen valinta hätä- tai turvavaloksi ja ihanteellinen soihdutusvaihtoehto. Vaihtoehtoisissa Snap Light flare -valaisimissa on myös metallinen bipod-jalusta, joka estää vierimisen ja asettaa jokaisen valopuikon optimaaliseen kulmaan näkyvyyden kannalta. Ne ovat jopa turvallisempia säilyttää kuin perinteiset soihdut, mikä on yksi syy, miksi ne ovat Department of Transportation (DOT) -hyväksyttyjä. Ylimääräisiä varastointilupia ei tarvita, ja sertifiointi takaa turvallisen käytön laivastoille ja joukkoliikenneorganisaatioille. Nämä vaihtoehtoiset kemialliset valokepit ovat ensisijainen merkinantolaite laivasto- ja joukkoliikenneosastoille kaikkialla maassa. Valmistettu Yhdysvalloissa tiukkojen laatuvaatimusten mukaisesti, voit olla rauhassa tietäen, että jokainen valaisinvaihtoehto toimii ongelmitta, kun sitä eniten tarvitset. Cyalumea on pitkään pidetty edelläkävijänä ja maailman johtavana kemiallisissa valaistusratkaisuissa taktisissa ja turvallisuussovelluksissa. USA:n armeija ja valtion virastot ovat luottaneet yli 40 vuoden ajan, joten tuotteemme toimivat silloin, kun niitä tarvitaan.

VALMISTETTU YHDYSVALLOISSA TIUKOJEN LAATUOHJEIDEN MUKAISESTI varmistaakseen, että jokainen valaisinvaihtoehto toimii ongelmitta. Ne säilytetään turvallisesti ja ovat valmiina käyttöön, kun niitä eniten tarvitset!. TÄYTTÄÄ KULJETUSLAITOSTON (DOT) VAARATTOMAT STANDARDIT, varmistaen laivastoille ja joukkoliikenneorganisaatioille turvallisen käytön ilman varastointilupia. Nämä vaihtoehtoiset kemialliset valotikut ovat suosituin merkinantolaite osastoille kaikkialla maassa. MUKANA SISÄLTYY METALLINEN BIPOD-TELINE estää vierimisen ja asettaa valotangon optimaaliseen kulmaan näkyvyyden kannalta. Aktivoi valotikku taivuttamalla, napsauttamalla ja ravistamalla putkea. 360 ASTETTA KIRKKAAT VALOA JOPA 2 TUNNIA – Toisin kuin tyypillinen soihdutus, nämä soihdutusvaihtoehdot tarjoavat voimakasta, kirkkaan vihreää valoa jopa 2 tunnin ajan kaikissa olosuhteissa ja ympäristöissä. Ne sopivat täydellisesti hätä- tai turvavaloksi huonolla säällä ja paljon muuta. TURVALLINEN JA LUOTETTAVAMPI KUIN SOITTU – Tämän Snap Light -vaihtoehtoisen kemiallisen valotikkujen syttymätön, lämpöä synnyttämätön, vedenpitävä kemia tarjoaa turvallisemman ja luotettavamman vaihtoehdon palovarmoihin pyroteknisiin soihduksiin. Ne ovat jopa turvallisempia säilyttää.
color Green
Country of Origin USA
Domestic Shipping Item can be shipped within U.S.
International Shipping This item can be shipped to select countries outside of the U.S.
Is Discontinued By Manufacturer No
Item model number 9-27049
Manufacturer Cyalume Technologies, Inc.
Package Dimensions 12.13 x 3.82 x 2.76 inches; 1 Pounds


5 Review
5 Star
4 Star
3 Star
2 Star
1 Star

Kirjoita arvostelusi

Sähköpostiasi ei julkaista. Kaikki pakolliset kentät on merkitty*

Scritto da: mrxak
Which color should you get?
Because human eyes are much better at seeing shades of color towards the green part of the spectrum, green light sticks will always appear brighter than red, which we see relatively poorly, even though I suspect both light stick colors put off the same amount of absolute brightness. By that reasoning alone, you might be inclined to buy the green version of these, which *seem* much brighter than the red ones. If you're interested in light to work by in the dark, and don't have a flashlight handy, the green light sticks are probably what you should get. But there's another matter to consider, since these SnapLights are intended as alternatives to emergency flares. Red is the color of emergencies, and warnings. You see them in brake lights, the flashing lights of emergency vehicles, and stop lights. Red means stop and pay attention. If you're going to put these down near a disabled vehicle on the side of the road, I think you're much better off with red. The green light sticks may be brighter, but they may be confusing to drivers, and may even cause them to be blinded by the glare as they pass you. Green means go, green means okay, and that may be a bad signal to send if you didn't intend it. On the other hand, if I wanted to signal to a helicopter or other aircraft in an emergency, I'd want the brightest light I could find, that would be seen from the air for miles. Consider your use-case carefully before you buy. Or buy red and green at the same time, as I did. As alternatives to flares, though, I have to say these are nowhere near as bright. They won't blind you like a flare will, but they won't be as visible either from a distance. Due to the nature of chemistry, the reaction that causes the glow will grow weaker over time. These are advertised as 2-hour light sticks, but from the moment you start the reaction, the light will continually dim. This is not true of flares, which will give off a steady light, though probably for not as long. The one case I can think of where these are clearly better than flares, is when an accident has caused gasoline or other flammable fluids to spill. Light sticks won't set off a fire or explosion. For that reason alone, I'll always keep a box of these in my car.
Scritto da: T. Strommen
Highly recommended
Fresh pack, definitely lasts for 2 hours - they probably could have marketed these as 4 hours. Temperature of use was 65-75F (18-24C). Visible for over a mile (~1.6km) in moonless clear (no mist/fog) night - using the simple wire stand helps with distance, getting the glow stick up off the ground improves the ability to see it past road surface changes which is important. I have 30 minute flares/fuses and these glow sticks are not as bright as those, but the flare flame is more like a point light source, and the glow stick is a larger surface area so it's more visible in my opinion - also having the light spread over more surface area causes me less eye strain when looking at the glow stick light source. If you've ever used a burning road flare/fuse and caught a gust of wind that blew the smoke in your face while inhaling - you'll understand when I say that's very unpleasant (actually a health hazard). I spent the next 5 minutes coughing instead of setting the rest of the flares. I live in California, and this year we are having a pretty significant drought - these glow sticks don't burn or generate any detectable heat while illuminated. My wife has wondered out loud why the CHP and others aren't using these glow sticks when so close to burnable brush or fuel spills - I can't say I disagree with that logic. Cleanup after the glow-stick is consumed is easier than with a burning fuse - not waiting or the debris to cool, no need for a broom and dust-pan, just pick it up with your bare hands and go. Okay for other uses - if you've seen kids out there with glow sticks and bracelets, and they are acting like terrors to your kid, one of these will put those other kids to shame. Your kid can become the envy of the glow stick wielding rascals out there, and for a toddler this is about the right scale for a fake light-saber!
Scritto da: Amazon Customer
Buyer Beware
Okay, so I've used Cyalume products for years personally and professionally. When these came out, I liked the idea, but doubted the effective light output for their marketed purpose. I finally bought a case, despite mixed reviews. First, the packaging was nice, the sticks were neatly bundled and bubble wrapped, and the wire stands were neatly arranged in the box. Okay, great. Speaking of the box, here's issue one. The expiration date. Yes, we all know they work long past the EXP. date, but that's not the point. This case shows EXP: 10/21. That's 14 months. Unless these are to a wildly different specification from virtually all other Cyalume products, these have been sitting somewhere for a couple years. No bueno. Now, the moment I cracked one of these and shook it, I had a weird hope and anticipation that I would be amazed. I was not. It was brighter than a standard 6" snap light, but not anywhere close enough to being bright enough to use along a roadway or highway for any reason whatsoever. There is no way I'd use this in place of a standard combustible flare. Even the cheap led "puck" flares are 100x more effective and brighter; which I routinely use instead of combustible flares on the highway. Bottom line: these are toys. Overpriced snap lights that will give you a false sense of safety during an incident or emergency, which drastically increases the risk of a secondary incident or accident. Do not buy these thinking they are sufficient warning or signaling devices akin to traditional road flares, they are not. If you need something safer or cheaper than traditional road flares, get the led flare puck/ufo lights.
Scritto da: Nathan S
not as bright as hoped
These flares/light sticks aren't nearly as bright as I had hopped. These are still better than typical road flares, since they last 6x as long as a typical flare, but these will not generate they type of visibility that you would get with a burning road flare. If I get run over next time I'm changing my tire, I will probably take a star or two away, but for now, I will leave it at 4 since I cannot change a tire in 20 minutes.
Scritto da: Ryan M
they work as discribed
they work as light in places where an open flame could be catastrophic

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